Friday, 21 January 2011

Some like it hot

Just checked out the compost bins! Oh yes, they are beautiful and this year I can use most of it as I haven't added to them for about 18 months - deliberately so I can chuck it over the allotment. It has rotted down so nicely, all that fresh chicken manure from the girls (hens!) and the rabbit pooh too! There's at least 20 bags of it I can use. Plus leaf mould too. Now the leaf mould is about 4 years old and could not be darker or crumblier. I will take pix as I chuck it all over the allotment, ooo, you lucky people you.

I wish my compost heap was this big! Some Like It Hot indeed...

You need hands...
The heat generated from a good compost heap is fantastic. Worms, wood lice, bugs of all sorts, lovely stuff. Again, as with the soil itself, I like to get my hands into compost and feel it crumble. Is it about getting dirty? I think it probably is. I have always liked getting dirty, dirty knees, dirty face and mostly, dirty hands. Following my dad around in the garden from a very young age, with a trowel or ball of string. And helping plant potatoes was always the best task of the year, still is!

One potato, two potato, three...
Planting tatties is, without doubt, the most satisfying garden delight - not to be confused with my favourite tomato, gardener's delight (basically my favourite 'cos I get free seeds every year from Gardener's World magazine!) I always know that tall is right with the world when it's time to put the potatoes in - early to mid-May. Watching the potato plant grow knowing what is under the soil, I tell you it's the definition of bliss for me. Is there anything that tastes better than home grown veg? No one can tell me there is, because I just won't listen.

Hey! I just heard Blair at the Iraq inquiry. Now there's a man who could make a fine compost heap, know what I'm saying?

Happy composting...


  1. In the summer, my compost really did steam. It's not doing much at all at present and because I didn't empty it from its big black bin in the autumn I have an unsightly overspill.

    Esther Montgomery

  2. Unsightly overspill sums up my garden at the moment. I have a big pile of bags next to the compost. Bags filled with stones (for my mosaics), sand, other bags and my lovely leaf mould. After today it will be an ordered pile of bags - I keep promising myself...

  3. Tony Blair made me throw my slipper at the television the other day.

    That's never happened before...
