Saturday, 25 January 2014

...this is getting foolish...

...I keep forgetting to blog. That's not good blogging is it?

I have to get some discipline into this mallarkey and blog like a blogger who blogs like a blogger - perhaps.

Here's some pictures from recent times...

Back end of last summer at Quainton. The re-vamped lawn and a very tall bloke to cut it

Again at Quainton, lots of wood, a bonfire and some
logs for the log burners in the house, transferred to
to the old potting shed for drying out, below 

Compost at Quainton...

...and compost at Buckland, lovely stuff

Snowdrops last week at Buckland

Hellibores at Buckland too

Sorting the compost at Dancer's End I turned round and saw this scene -
when will winter start?

Last of the leaves at Buckland... Or not
Strange winter really, I've only lost 2 days so far, not forgetting I have been totally drenched on several occasions, even with full waterproofs on. Just hasn't been cold enough to call it winter.

A guy who totally changed my life, one way or the other, died a while back and I went back to the scene of many long hours spent getting cold, wet and abused. Here I am with one of my dear comrades, Patrick, from the Non-Stop Picket outside SA House in Trafalgar Square...

It was so wet on that day too, but Nelson Mandela kept us warm.
This was on the day of Madiba's funeral. About 20 old picketers turned up, we had a sing, a coffee in the crypt of St Martin's in the Field and I felt like a big piece of my life had finally come to it's end. The picket and my comrades mean more to me than almost anything in my life. Only my family mean more. I love them all - even the RCG...

And finally, saw this in our local farm shop recently...

...who would want to buy a Poultry Plucker at all, let alone for 250 quid!

Peace innit?