Monday, 31 January 2011

Starting on the compost at Pat's

Can't believe this was today, look at the sunshine!
This is going to take a long time. There's so much of it and it has to be sieved and sorted quite a bit too! 

Very enjoyable work though. I love digging and getting dirty - I may have mentioned that before! I think I'll need to add to the sides as well, a few more sleepers should do it.

Happy mucking!

Didn't he do well!It's the look on his face

It's the look on his face...

...that gets me!

A great mix - small boy and big water!

And the furniture looks...

Happy splashing!

So nice to wake up to sun...

...very cold, but at least the sun is shining.

Today I am mostly finishing off the pathways, including re-building one bit and then the world is my lobster - garden is my losbster, err playground, depending on ice...

Happy scrapping!