Sunday, 24 April 2011

The greenhouse comes to life

This is what it's all about. Hopefully, all this will produce us enough food to not have to go to Tesco from June onwards...

Salad leaves, toms, french beans, salad onions, carrots, potaydas...

...cabbages, salad onions, more cabbages...

...cucumbers, melone, basil, more toms...

...yet more toms, melons, salad onions and that shallot!

Also, over on the allotment we have more cabbages, about 200 onions & shallots, garlic and 4 types of potatoes


  1. Lovely! (btw this is the last time i'm commenting until you change your comments settings, it's so tedious to have to go though this rigmarole every time) x

  2. Like I said I can't work out how to do it, so whatever...

  3. Actually, I think I may have done it now.

  4. That looks amazing Simon.
    So much more impressive than my failed chilli pepper pot on the kitchen windowsill.
