Sunday, 5 June 2011

moses supposes his toeses are roses...

... and this rose has taken 3 years to flower, but it was sure worth the wait Paul's Himalayan Musk, lovely to look at and lovely to smell!

You see, Alison fought the greenfly with a deadly garlic spray...
...and it really did the business!
The greenhouse is looking bountiful too. About 40 tomato plants (4 types); 12 cucumbers; 4 peppers; basil and melons, as I have said before. This will hopefully mean far fewer visits to the dreaded Tesco and loads of fresh produce for the rabbits too - there are about 100 cabbages and kale plants over on the allotment for our little beauties! And all e-coli free.

Anyway, here's the greenhouse as of this afternoon at about 5.30...

The joy of green fingers! I love it!!!

Happy watering...

1 comment:

  1. That looks fantastic.
    This morning I did Family Gardening at Charlie's school. I don't think I've ever had such a satisfying Monday morning. It was great!
    Has given me some inspiration to get started on my own one now.
