Wednesday, 8 February 2012

...and briefly...

Well, haven't worked all week. Frozen ground and snow and ice and slush and stuff. The new (to us) water butt looks like this:

I like icicles, they sort of freeze and hang down and this one is quite hilarious in a Frankie Howerd type way - ooo-er missus look at the dribble on that. Love the way it's hit the ground and kind of spread and then frozen again.

Every cupboard in the house has been tidied, stuff either chucked out or moved to the shed and I have started my first ever batch of cider. Approximately 2 gallons and at the moment it looks like this:

Smells amazing already, just hope it's as
drinkable as the apple wine!
Saturday night I picked Sophie up from a party, the snow was at it's height and I walked through an absolutely pristine, crrrrr-isp snow covered road. It was lovely.

My footprints to and fro, in the dark on our road. No other footprint in sight!

Should work Friday so that means just tomorrow, Thursday 9th, at home. Probably slip and slide down to the shed to continue the tidy up in there. Might even start my Big Project, turning my vinyl albums into MP3s... Anyhoo, this was the scene outside our dining room window on Saturday night...



Happy freezing I say.

Love and Peace...


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