Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Automne; Herbst; Autunno; Otoño; Φθινόπωρο

Autumn eh?

Yep truly here and what does that bring? I'll tell you what it brings

LEAVES; Feuilles; Blätter; Congedi; Hojas; पत्ते
Doesn't matter how one dresses it up, bloody leaves are everywhere. I go to sleep dreaming of 'em; I wake up thinking of 'em; my car is covered in 'em and the bloody kitten keeps bringing 'em into the house like she's caught, gutted and filleted a giraffe. So proud of herself...

Fog; mist; mizzly rain and that's just in the car. Oh yeah, the car that just cost £277.01 to get through it's MoT - where the hell do these people get a penny from?

Anyway, the great clear up will continue through to next Spring, so at least I have a job for the Winter. Got lots of trimming and pruning to do too. Odds on it's gonna be a mild Winter after the weird Summer.


The finished laurel hedge at Quainton - that's about four foot off the top

And from the other side - this shows
the continuing dreadful mess from
the building works

A new compost area at Quainton, made
from an old one

Had to cut a path down to it and I really enjoyed it

Pleaching the limes at Dancer's End, slow at first, but I got the knack
of it in the end

Probably said before that heights don't like me. They make me fall off
things, it's never truly my fault...

Last few flowers at Pat's place, delightful - asters I think...

It was on the top of the gantry that Deirdre rang me to tell that our dear comrade from the Non-Stop Picket outside South Africa House, Andy Privett (nee Gardner) had suddenly died on Sunday21st October. He was a big, proud and loud gay guy who helped me through some bleak times in the late 80s, early 90s and I, along with many others, will miss him desperately.

He never stopped making me laugh... And buying
me drinks!

Bless you, you big ol' gay mate you!

Happy mincing, wherever you may be.

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